Công ty triển lãm MMM Medcenter Einrichtungen GmbH
MMM Medcenter Einrichtungen GmbH
Gian hàng số: G16
Về chúng tôi
Traditional and innovative heat technology series. Drying ovens, microbiological incubators, hot air sterilizers, cooled incubators, climatic chambers, stability chambers, vacuum drying ovens, depyrogenations ovens.
Volumes from 22 to 1212 (3900) liters. Temperatur range from - 20 ° up to 300 °C.
Địa chỉ
MMM Medcenter Einrichtungen GmbH
Semmelweisstr. 6
82152 Planegg-Munich
E-mail: willibald.kuttenberger@mmm-medcenter.de
Điện thoại: +49 8989 92260
internet: www.mmm-medcenter.com
Semmelweisstr. 6
82152 Planegg-Munich
E-mail: willibald.kuttenberger@mmm-medcenter.de
Điện thoại: +49 8989 92260
internet: www.mmm-medcenter.com
MT Scientific Equipment Co., Ltd.
445 To Hien Thanh
District 10 Ho Chi Minh City
E-mail: mtse@mythanh.com
Điện thoại: +84 283 86-46051
445 To Hien Thanh
District 10 Ho Chi Minh City
E-mail: mtse@mythanh.com
Điện thoại: +84 283 86-46051
Sản phẩm và dịch vụ
Traditional and innovative heat technology series. Drying ovens, microbiological incubators, hot air sterilizers, cooled incubators, climatic chambers, stability chambers, vacuum drying ovens, depyrogenations ovens.
Volumes from 22 to 1212 (3900) liters. Temperatur range from - 20 ° up to 300 °C.
Ovens and Incubators
Traditional and innovative heat technology series. Drying ovens, microbiological incubators, hot air sterilizers, cooled incubators, climatic chambers, stability chambers, vacuum drying ovens, depyrogenations ovens. Volumes from 22 to 1212 (3900) liters. Temperatur range from - 20 ° up to 300 °C.