analytica Vietnam 2025Products & Services R106S-FB Soxhlet extraction device

R106S-FB Soxhlet extraction device

behr Labor-Technik GmbH

The behrotest® series extraction devices are complete compact extraction systems and the cost-effective and user-friendly solution for classic Soxhlet and fat extractions.
The R106S-FB has 6 individually adjustable sample positions for 250 ml broad surface flat-bottom flasks. Practical holders for the condenser and extraction adapter allow a secure placement between extractions. Extractors with taps remove the need for additional distillation after the extraction.
Further reading

R106S-FB behrotest serial heating unit for extraction 100 ml for 6 samples with stopcock with flat bottom flasks

R106S-FB behrotest serial heating unit for extraction 100 ml for 6 samples with stopcock with flat bottom flasks

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